Saturday, May 19, 2012

WK 3 Leadership Hub

This week brings excitement and nervousness. I applied to the Pennsylvania Technology Expo and Conference. My capstone project Motivating teachers to use technology in their classroom has been very interesting from the start. I completely took a new turn during the process. I wanted to motivate students to increase their attendance, but realized after a few months that people, including students are drawn to things that appeal to them. Think about your favorite class. I bet it was very engaging, right? Today's students have the same type of desire that educators had at some point in their educational matriculation. They want to feel like they are an important part of the class. With today's technology, everyone can write or should I say post comments, answers and even pictures on the board. My project starts out by showing a student totally disengaged from his learning. Throughout the presentation, I show how the web tools my target audience and I have found have enhanced my student’s learning and how my staff is now motivated to share Web 2.0 tools that are being used in classrooms around my school.
Learning a dance on

Sunday, May 13, 2012

WK 2 Leadership Post

This was a very nerve racking task. Submit a proposal to national conference. I started getting nervous just typing my name into the proposal. The Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference was where I choose to take my newly acquired skills. I was surprised to find such a big conference in my state and not to far from where I reside. Technology is always changing and reinventing itself. I will have to stay on top of the Web 2.0 tools to make sure I bring a valuable experience to those in attendance. I will probably incorporate bring your own technology site to the conference. It was fun to watch the spark come back into the classrooms at my school this year. It was also exciting to see the talents of many teachers surface using technology in their classrooms. This course work has challenged me this year. I was able to meet each task knowing that each activity would make learning more appealing to my students. They also enjoyed the fact that I was learning new things to bring back to them. Their favorite question became “what do you have for homework this week coach?”

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