Sunday, May 6, 2012

My Response to Lorrie Hobbie's Blog

This was a lot of information to take in and the issues were complicated. I felt that the sequencing of the parts presented, 1, 2 & 3 flowed well educationally. As my kids say, “I just got schooled!” In this case, it was a relevant topic that has been confusing to me for some years so I was grateful for the schooling.

I have 3 kids. My daughter, the youngest, is 19 so I have been down and around the slippery slopes of torrent cafes with my kids. While I learned many details about current Copyright Law, Fair Use and Creative Commons by watching this collection of videos, I was most impressed with the final selection, the TED talk given by Larry Lessig. My own children and my students are part of what Lessig refers to as, “Remix Culture”.  I found the presentation profound and it left me with many more questions than answers. What I cannot deny is that technology has changed our kids. Technology is a literacy for this generation. If indeed we are living in “an age of prohibition”, it is time to begin a reformation that will both allow creativity and some form of protection. I have no idea what that will look like, but it doubt that current Copyright Law can continue to hold relevancy in the face of an entire generation of “pirates”.

My Response:


Yes a lot of information to take all in. I think it was summed by the statement,”if you have to pay for it, it is probably copyrighted”. I totally agree that we are in a Remix Culture. One of the things that I took from the videos is that I should go overseas or out of the country if I really wanted to use things without permission. It was amazing to see the total disregard for the artist’s work.

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